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 - SEN Support and Advice


Friendly and approachable consultant with over 10 years experience working in an SEN Team in a local authority.


My services for families are for those who are finding that the free advice available from their IAS Service (also known as SENDIASS) or charities is not helpful for them, and who are not at the stage of needing to instruct a lawyer in order to advance their case.


The services for schools include advice about Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan system, and support where a school may be in dispute with the local authority over matters to do with an EHC Plan.

All work will start with an initial telephone or email consultation where we can discuss whether I am able to be of help during which we will agree the work I will do and the charges I will make.


Packages for particular pieces of work not set out below can be discussed and agreed as necessary.

EHC Plan 'Healthcheck'



A thorough check of your child's EHC Plan  to ensure that all the strengths and difficulties described in the EHC  assessment and, where applicable, annual reviews of the EHC Plan are included in the EHC Plan, with appropriate outcomes  and specific provision relating to each identified area of need included. This package will include a telephone conversation or meeting with parents to discuss the EHC Plan  and parents' views, and a written report following the check identifying any areas of concern. Additional support can be agreed at an extra charge to the price below.


Prices start at: £295

Request for EHC assessment



Support and advice on putting together a comprehensive request to the local authority for an EHC assessment in order to increase the likelihood of the request being successful, and the full EHC assessment being carried out. 


Prices start at:

£345 for advice and support to the school or parent making the request on what it needs to cover before the request is submitted to the local authority.


£275 for advice to parents on what they should send to the local authority as their contribution to a request submitted to the local authority by the school or a professional.


Support with dispute resolution



Support and advice for appeals to the SEND Tribunal, with mediation, and with formal complaints.


Prices to be agreed depending on the work agreed

Support for parents at meetings



I can provide support for parents at meetings with the local authority or school including annual reviews or transition reviews within 25 miles of Maidenhead. This service includes either a pre-meeting with parents or telephone consultation before the meeting, attending the meeting, reading of all the documents and written advice following the meeting. Additional support can be agreed at an extra charge to the price below.


Prices start at: £225

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